The GenderSAFE Community of Practice

Call for Participation

Join the GenderSAFE Community of Practice and build a safer environment in higher education and research institutions!

The Community of Practice (CoP)

GenderSAFE has established a Community of Practice (CoP) open to all those involved in addressing gender-based violence in higher education and research institutions, including equality, diversity and inclusion officers, human resources and administrative staff, institutional leadership, national government representatives, representatives of trade unions and gender equality organisations, researchers, professors, students and university activists. Please note that the GenderSAFE CoP targets participants from EU and Associated Countries.

Building on the knowledge and tools developed by the UniSAFE project, the GenderSAFE CoP is designed to promote exchange and mutual learning among participants from different universities and research organisations on institutional policy frameworks on gender-based violence.

Specifically, the CoP aims to engage in a strategic exchange on current gaps in institutional responses, using a trauma-centred approach and addressing the continuum of violence. The ultimate goal is to promote policy coordination at the EU level by contributing to the development of a model policy framework, including a code of conduct to foster a zero-tolerance approach to gender-based violence in higher education and research.

The CoP will also foster empowerment by inspiring and supporting participants to introduce or improve gender-based violence policies in their institutions through facilitated peer learning, training and testing of tools produced by the project.  The GenderSAFE CoP was launched in September 2024 and will remain active until December 2026.

Structure of the CoP

The structure of the GenderSAFE CoP is organised on two levels:

The General CoP level is for members who wish to engage in discussions on how to implement a zero-tolerance approach to gender-based violence with a broad focus and covering different aspects. Please note the General CoP level is currently not accepting applications.

The Thematic Circles are for members who also wish to have more focused and in-depth discussions on specific topics.

Circle 1 – Legal aspects of gender-based violence 

This Circle explores how to ensure compliance with relevant legal frameworks and seek innovative solutions when needed, to ensure the effective protection of victim-survivors and the rights of all parties involved.

Please note we are currently not accepting applications for this Circle.

Circle 2 – Intersectional power relations and gender-based violence

This Circle aims to identify how existing policies fail to serve the needs of minoritised groups, to develop better practices and test solutions, bearing in mind the intersecting power imbalances which are at the heart of the problem.

Please note we are currently not accepting applications for this Circle.

Circle 3 – A Central and Eastern European perspective on gender-based violence 

This Circle will attempt to grasp the specificities of gender-based violence in CEE countries, both in terms of the phenomenon itself and the most appropriate tools, strategies and measures to address it.

Please note we are currently not accepting applications for this Circle.

Circle 4 – Students

This Circle will discuss how to ensure that the adoption and implementation of gender-based violence policies effectively address the needs and challenges of students who are confronted with gender-based violence.

Please note we are currently not accepting applications for this Circle.

Circle 5 – National Authorities

This Circle aims to advance policy coordination in the European Research Area, building on the work done during the implementation of the ERA Policy Agenda 2022 – 2024.

Joining the CoP

As a CoP participant, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Participate in face-to-face and online meetings scheduled every four months throughout the project to share experiences, engage in mutual learning, and discuss key issues, gaps, and barriers to tackling gender-based violence at the institutional level.
  • Directly engage with cutting-edge policy making, setting a precedent for European academic institutions.
  • Contribute to the discussion and development of co-created content on a dedicated online platform.
  • Become part of a European network of experts in the field and participate in training sessions on how to best develop and implement a comprehensive institutional policy to prevent and counteract gender-based violence.


Participation is voluntary and informal. However, we welcome active participation and engagement, which is essential to achieve the goals of the CoP.

The working language is English.

Anything that is discussed within the working circles will be treated anonymously and full confidentiality will be assured.

To find out more, watch the recording of the CoP InfoSession:


How to apply

Please refer to the information provided on the Circles individual pages.

  • The deadline for applying to the Students Circle is 30 November 2024.
  • The deadline for applying to the Intersectionality, CEE and National Authorities Circles is 31 December 2024.


Travel grants

For the planned face-to-face meetings, a dedicated budget of grants for students is available to cover travel and accommodation costs. Participants who are interested in joining the CoP but have limited resources to travel are invited to email


A question?

In case you have a question regarding the CoP, please email


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