The project

Gender-based violence is a persistent problem in higher education and research institutions across the European Research Area, with severe consequences at the individual, institutional and societal levels.
In recent years, policy attention to gender-based violence in higher education and research has grown, both at the EU level and at the level of responsible national authorities.
Despite advances in policy adoption, institutions are failing in implementation, very little is in place to monitor and evaluate existing policies, and there is a lack of understanding of what constitutes gender-based violence and how to proceed when something happens.

The GenderSAFE project builds on the results and tools developed in UniSAFE to support research and higher education institutions in setting up comprehensive policies to effectively counteract gender-based violence.

Until March 2027, the project will support research and higher education institutions in establishing safe, inclusive, and respectful environments by setting up comprehensive policies to effectively counteract gender-based violence. 

GenderSAFE’s objectives & activities

Strengthen zero-tolerance policies

We aim to create a unified policy approach in the EU by incorporating the latest theoretical insights, focusing on power dynamics, intersectionality, mobility, and precarity.

Support higher education and research institutions in improving and implementing existing policies

We are gathering stakeholders from various contexts to co-design and share zero-tolerance policies on gender-based violence, fostering mutual learning and support.

Build institutional capacities

We are training dedicated staff and a pool of trainers to help organisations develop and implement effective policies against gender-based violence.

Monitor policies at national and institutional levels

We will develop tools to gather and monitor comprehensive data on how zero-tolerance policies are adopted and implemented across the EU, creating a valuable resource for future efforts.

Raise awareness and advocate

for policies with zero-tolerance to gender-based violence.