Joining the GenderSAFE Community of Practice
GenderSAFE has established a Community of Practice (CoP) designed to promote exchange and mutual learning among participants from different universities and research organisations on institutional policy frameworks addressing gender-based violence.
The ultimate goal is to promote policy coordination at the EU level by contributing to the development of a model policy framework, including a code of conduct to foster a zero-tolerance approach to gender-based violence in higher education and research. The CoP will also foster empowerment by inspiring and supporting participants to introduce or improve gender-based violence policies in their institutions through facilitated peer learning, training and testing of tools produced by the project.
The Community of Practice CEE Circle
Gender-based violence is a pervasive but also context-specific phenomenon, including in the academic environment. Its characteristics and intensity depend largely on cultural and social variables, national policies and how the issue has been perceived and addressed over time. Thus, although no country has succeeded in addressing the problem at its roots, there are differences between European research systems that need to be taken into account when addressing gender-based violence. Focusing on the Central and Eastern European perspective is an essential step towards defining an EU model policy framework on gender-based violence, especially in the current context of rising populism and anti-gender movements.
The Central and European Circle will attempt to grasp the specificities of gender-based violence in CEE countries, both in terms of the phenomenon itself and the most appropriate tools, strategies and measures to address it.
CEE Circle applicants
Participants from Central and Eastern Europe with academic background of all kinds (students of all stages, academic staff, researchers, etc) are welcome to apply. We especially welcome participants from Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
How to apply
Please complete the application form below. The deadline for applying is 31 December 2024.
Please note that – to foster optimal engagement within the CoP – it may not be possible to accept a large number of applications. Priority will be given to applicants who meet the profile criteria defined in the Circle description.
Please note applications for this Circle are now closed.