The project

Gender-based violence is a persistent problem in higher education and research institutions across the European Research Area, with severe consequences at the individual, institutional and societal levels.
In recent years, policy attention to gender-based violence in higher education and research has grown, both at the EU level and at the level of responsible national authorities.
Despite advances in policy adoption, institutions are failing in implementation, very little is in place to monitor and evaluate existing policies, and there is a lack of understanding of what constitutes gender-based violence and how to proceed when something happens.

The GenderSAFE project builds on the results and tools developed in UniSAFE to support research and higher education institutions in setting up comprehensive policies to effectively counteract gender-based violence.

Until March 2027, the project will support research and higher education institutions in establishing safe, inclusive, and respectful environments by setting up comprehensive policies to effectively counteract gender-based violence. 

GenderSAFE’s objectives & activities

Increasing robustness of zero-tolerance policies by building a common policy discourse in the EU reflecting state-of-the-art theoretical debates, including attention to power and intersectionality, mobility and precarity

  • Identifying key elements in current debates on the zero-tolerance approach to develop a conceptual framework;
  • Assessing the needs of specific groups of researchers from an intersectional perspective;
  • Operationalising key components of a zero-tolerance approach from a gender+ intersectional perspective.

Facilitating the uptake and ownership of a zero-tolerance approach to gender-based violence policies through mutual learning, exchange, and co-design in a Community of Practice

  • The GenderSAFE CoP will be structured with two levels: general CoP and 5 thematic circles;
  • Encouraging exchange and mutual learning on institutional policy frameworks on gender-based violence, inspiring and stimulating participants to improve their policies;
  • Testing and further operationalising a Code of Conduct on a zero-tolerance approach to gender-based violence.

Capacity-building: Building institutional capacities to set up and implement gender-based violence policies through training of responsible staff and officers

  • Building a pool of qualified trainers on gender-based violence;
  • Developing new training concepts and materials (6 languages);
  • Implementing a robust training programme to build capacity at institutional
    and national levels.

Creating a knowledge base on the uptake and contents of zero-tolerance policies at RPOs in the EU through a data collection and monitoring system

  • Creating data collection and monitoring methodologies at institutional and EU levels;
  • Piloting the methodologies;
  • Launching and implementing the methodologies.

Raising awareness and creating uptake through carefully designed communication, dissemination, and advocacy activities

  • Increasing awareness on the need to address gender-based violence through a zero-tolerance approach;
  • Engaging stakeholders to adopt its outputs and to pledge their commitment towards a zero-tolerance approach;
  • Advocating for the adoption of a zero-tolerance approach to gender-based violence in policymaking, providing input to the Commission for their next policy cycle.

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