Introductory training on gender-based violence in academia and the 7P framework [in Greek]

Εισαγωγικό σεμινάριο για την αντιμετώπιση της έμφυλης βίας στον ακαδημαϊκό χώρο μέσω της ολιστικής προσέγγισης 7P Το εισαγωγικό διαδικτυακό σεμινάριο εστιάζει στην αντιμετώπιση της έμφυλης βίας στον ακαδημαϊκό χώρο, μέσω του μοντέλο 7P του έργου UniSAFE: η συγκέντρωση δεδομένων και στοιχείων, η πρόληψη, η προστασία, η δίωξη, η παροχή υπηρεσιών και οι συνεργασίες (Prevalence, Prevention, […]

Introductory training on gender-based violence in academia and the 7P framework [in French]

Formation introductive sur la violence basée sur le genre dans le milieu universitaire et l’utilisation du cadre d’analyse des 7P _____ Introductory training on gender-based violence in academia and the 7P framework 28 May, 09.30 – 15.00 CEST  This training session has reached full capacity, and registrations have been closed. Follow our social media channels for […]

Session: “Ending gender-based violence in higher education institutions: Policies and problems”

Session: "Ending gender-based violence in higher education institutions: Policies and problems"  at Third International Conference of the journal “Scuola Democratica” Convenors: Marcela Linková (Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic); Lut Mergaert (Yellow Window, Belgium); Sofia Strid (University of Gothenburg, Sweden) The session will include four presentations, including the following presentation from GenderSAFE: "Preventing Gender-Based Violence in […]

UGOT/GenderSAFE seminar: Understanding and Improving Gender-Based Violence Reporting in Academic Institutions

Understanding and Improving Gender-Based Violence Reporting in Academic Institutions 10 June 2024, 12:00 - 13:00 CET   Online& Department of Sociology and Work Science,University of Gothenburg F417, Campus Haga  Speakers: Professor Anne Laure Humbert and Dr Anna Bull Chair: Sofia Strid This seminar will examine dynamics of reporting gender-based violence and sexual harassment within academic […]

InfoSession: GenderSAFE Community of Practice

What is the GenderSAFE Community of Practice?GenderSAFE is establishing a Community of Practice (CoP) open to all those involved in addressing gender-based violence in higher education and research institutions, including equality, diversity and inclusion officers, human resources and administrative staff, institutional leadership, national government representatives, representatives of trade unions and gender equality organisations, researchers, teaching staff, […]

Introductory training on gender-based violence in academia and the 7P framework [in Czech]

Úvodní školení o genderově podmíněném násilí v akademickém prostředí a model 7P _____ Introductory training on gender-based violence in academia and the 7P framework 25 June, 09.30 – 15.00 CEST   This training session has reached full capacity, and registrations have been closed. Follow our social media channels for the latest updates and information on how […]

GenderSAFE webinar: Effective crisis communication management

Effective crisis communication management: Navigating gender-based violence in higher education Watch the recording now! This webinar, organised jointly with the AGRIGEP project, introduces the UniSAFE Crisis Communication Checklist, a detailed guide for handling crisis communications in the event of gender-based violence cases within higher education institutions getting wide, public attention. Participants gain insights with tips […]

Stakeholder conference on the ERA

With participants from all over Europe and representing diverse fields of action, this conference offers an opportunity to connect, learn from one another, and collectively shape the future of the ERA Policy Agenda. On-site attendance will be limited, but all plenary sessions will be livestreamed with opportunities for virtual interaction on the INSPIRING ERA website. GenderSAFE partners will be presenting insights and outputs from the UniSAFE project.

GenderSAFE Community of Practice kick-off meeting

The GenderSAFE Community of PracticeActive from September 2024 to December 2026, the GenderSAFE Community of Practice (CoP) will engage in a strategic exchange on current gaps in institutional responses to gender-based violence, using a trauma-centred approach and addressing the continuum of violence. The ultimate goal is to develop and tailor a model policy framework to […]

Introductory webinar on gender-based violence in academia and the 7P framework: Focus on the Italian context [in Italian]

  Webinar introduttivo sulla violenza di genere nel mondo accademico e sul modello delle 7P: Focus sul contesto nazionale italiano _____ Introductory webinar on gender-based violence in academia and the 7P framework: Focus on the Italian context 23 October, 14.30 - 15.30 CESTOnline     Il webinar affronta il tema della violenza di genere nel […]

Webinar: Professional boundaries and sexual harassment in academic settings

Professional boundaries and sexual harassmentin academic settings Thursday 14 November 2024 15:00 – 16:30 CET Online  The term ‘professional boundaries’ denotes appropriate standards of behaviour by professionals in working with adult clients, patients or students (Cooper, 2012). However, in higher education, shared understandings of appropriate boundaries are often lacking. At the same time, power imbalances […]

From awareness to action: understanding and addressing gender-based violence in research and academia

From awareness to action:understanding and addressing gender-based violencein research and academia 4 December 2024, 15:15 - 16:15 CET Klagenfurt, Austria co-organised with the AKG - the Working Group for Equal Treatment Issues  Explore the critical findings of the European UniSAFE project in our upcoming seminar session “From awareness to action: understanding and addressing gender-based violence […]